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evergreen -

Real Jerker from Evergreen limited each 200.

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Deep Liner -

Legend Norihiro Sato was able to give verious jig actions by using one type of jig called " Caprice " produced by Evergreen. He can control the jig action by changing the operation of the rod, reel and in addition assist hook system. The issue was that it was very difficult for many anglers to produce various movements with one type of jig. Sato also says that ideally for one jig, it is desirable to use one type of rod and a specially tuned reel to make the jig action with a system that is configured with the best balance.  Higashimura...

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custom parts, marfix, reel -

We have several custom parts for Marfix. Marfix is the best selling jigging reel since 20 years ago in Japan. All Marfix series have high reliability for big target fishes, so many professional anglers use Marfix.  Today news Unique handle arm and Preset Knob are released for Marfix. 1. Handle arm made of Duralumin Line Up of unique handle arm is 110mm and 115mm type. In Japan, Asian people prefer to use 110mm type. If you'd like to use long arm and powerful model, we recommend to use 115mm type. Current Marfix manufactures by ATEC and we have handle arm for...

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Jig, Slow pitch jerk -

 Tuan Higashimura dari Deep Liner Designer dan CEO membuat jig baru yang disebut " COJYANT" untuk brengsek nada lambat. COJYANT memiliki 4 action jig yang berbeda, VBW, CXW, FBW, dan CXWL. Anda dapat memilih jig ini tergantung pada kondisi bawah air. Yang penting adalah kontrol kecepatan jatuh. Anda perlu mengubah kecepatan jatuh tergantung pada arus laut dan kondisi ikan. Kecepatan jatuh : VBW lambat, CXW menengah, FBW cepat Dalam kasus saya, pertama saya mulai menggunakan CXW. Misalnya arus laut sangat lambat dan saya merasa kecepatan jatuhnya cepat oleh CXW, selanjutnya saya ganti VBW. VBW adalah kecepatan jatuh yang lambat dibandingkan...

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