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evergreen -

Real Jerker from Evergreen limited each 200.


Deep Liner -

Legend Norihiro Sato was able to give verious jig actions by using one type of jig called " Caprice " produced by Evergreen. He can control the jig action by changing the operation of the rod, reel and in addition assist hook system. The issue was that it was very difficult for many anglers to produce various movements with one type of jig. Sato also says that ideally for one jig, it is desirable to use one type of rod and a specially tuned reel to make the jig action with a system that is configured with the best balance.  Higashimura...


custom parts, marfix, reel -

We have several custom parts for Marfix. Marfix is the best selling jigging reel since 20 years ago in Japan. All Marfix series have high reliability for big target fishes, so many professional anglers use Marfix.  Today news Unique handle arm and Preset Knob are released for Marfix. 1. Handle arm made of Duralumin Line Up of unique handle arm is 110mm and 115mm type. In Japan, Asian people prefer to use 110mm type. If you'd like to use long arm and powerful model, we recommend to use 115mm type. Current Marfix manufactures by ATEC and we have handle arm for...


Jig, Slow pitch jerk -

Deep Liner 設計師兼 CEO 的 Higashimura 先生製作了一種名為“COJYANT”的新夾具,用於慢速跳動。 COJYANT 有 4 種不同的動作夾具,VBW、CXW、FBW 和 CXWL。您可以根據水下條件選擇這些夾具。 重要的一點是下落速度控制。您需要根據洋流和魚的狀況改變下落速度。 下落速度:慢 VBW,中 CXW,快 FBW 就我而言,首先我開始使用 CXW。比如洋流很慢,CXW感覺下落速度快,接下來我換VBW。與 CXW 相比,VBW 是較慢的下降速度。 或者我覺得CXW的洋流非常快,在這種情況下我無法控制這個夾具。在這種情況下,我從 CXW 更改為 FBW。 如果我想向許多魚展示我的夾具,我會使用 CXWL。該夾具的特點是長滑動動作,遠距離的魚可以通過華麗的動作找到夾具。   VBW 動作:快速飛鏢、停止和落下、振動落下 特點: 通過從 1/8 到 1/1 節距的搖擺動作進行小幅度移動。在緩慢的電流條件下良好的行動   CXW 動作:快速飛鏢、停止落下、振動落下 特徵: 通過 r從 1/8 到 1/1 節距的滑行動作進行小幅度移動。 與VBW相比纖細的機身。 先導夾具檢查水下狀況   FBW 動作:快速飛鏢、螺旋墜落、激流迴旋 特徵: 從淺到深的全方位夾具 用於檢查水下狀況的先導夾具   CXWL 動作:長飛鏢,螺旋落下 特徵: 半長型夾具的長滑動動作 遠距離魚類的華麗動作  
