Spindle 250g

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  • 正常价格 €27,95
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 Action : Soft jerk, Spiral, Zigzag fall, Wobbling

Even though we know that the target is approaching right next to the jig, we can't get it to bite. In such a situation, it may be effective to maintain the feeding period for a long time with soft movements while trying to suppress the inviting action. The spindle was designed to bring out the bite on wary targets by not over-rotating during strong tides, deep water conditions, or during fast jerks, and remaining bite-friendly throughout the fall.  The unique action characteristics are highly effective against difficult deep-sea fish.



Backside color

   1. Magma color                2. Aluminum                  3. Zebra



         4. Black                        5. Gold


SG : Super Glow

BG : Blue Glow